My Sweet Madeline,
You are 9 months old (and two days)!!!! I cannot believe how fast you are growing!!! You weigh 19lbs -- I'm not sure how tall you are but we'll find out in a couple of weeks at your dr's appt. You wear size 3 diapers, size 3 shoes, and size 9 month clothes. I have been buying size 12m clothes because you are long!
All of the sudden you look like a toddler to've lost your "baby" look and are looking more like a little girl now! You are SO pretty! If I distract you I can get a headband on your head, but I can never be sure how long it will stay there!
You have a special relationship with Gizmo, Phoebe, and Polly. You have started feeding them...I really thought I had a few more months before that would happen! They also take your food sometimes and you cry. It is so sad and funny at the same time!
You look like you are mad in this picture (above) but this is your face every time you see the camera. You sorta cheese but you squeeze your eyes shut as tight as you can! You also make a huge mess when you eat -- you eat quite a few meals in the nude now because you are SO messy!
You are very busy! You love to push the dining chairs around the dining room and kitchen! You are CONSTANTLY moving, getting into something, or trying to climb on or in something!
I've yet to find anything you are really afraid of...I am afraid you are going to be a dare devil! You had your first big injury last week. I HATED being in the ER with you but I am afraid it won't be the last time! |
I think my favorite thing about this age is how much you like to play! Daddy and I get on the floor and you will climb all over us! You pat us on the back now and try to give high fives! We are still working on waving...sometimes I find you in your crib waving to yourself! You laugh a lot now, and you love the theme song to Cheers. It puts you in a happy mood and inevitably leads to dancing! You also still love to play in the bathtub! |
You really love to eat! You are not real thrilled with baby food anymore though. You prefer "people food" as I call it but I think the technical name is "table food". You LOVE bananas, cheerios,graham crackers, but macaroni and cheese is your favorite. You will eat an entire side of mac and cheese from McAllister's - you even licked the bowl last time I gave it to you! I have to add you also really love dog food...anytime the pantry door is open you crawl as fast as you can to get a little taste! You always end up with a piece or two in each hand, and one in your mouth! You also love to dump out their water bowl! |
I think the biggest change I have noticed this month is ALL your hair! You are getting so much hair! I can't wait until I can put it in pigtails! |
Nothing makes you happier than is your favorite thing to play with, and the more there is, the happier you are! |
Your sleeping habits are about the same. You sleep all night from about 9pm to 9am. Sometimes you wake up but you always go back to sleep. I can no longer put you in bed with me if I want because you think it is play time! I am SO thankful you have turned into a good sleeper!
Even as I type this I cannot believe how big you are! You get more fun every day. I think I really realized just how much I love you when you got hurt a couple of weeks ago. I would have taken on all your pain if I could have, and I have no doubt Daddy or I would give our lives for you. You are an amazing, precious gift from God, and we are so thankful He gave you to us. I feel so blessed to be your mommy! My prayer for you is that you will love Jesus and some day get to experience the same immense joy I have been able to experience since you were born. I love you, sweet girl!