We had Madeline's party on her birthday. I kinda liked it and kinda didn't. I don't really know how to do a simple party so I was preoccupied a good part of the day getting ready for the party. I don't think I'll do that again next year. Anyway, I put a bunch of balloons in her room Thursday night ( it was really about 4am Friday) so she would wake up and know something was special that day! It's a tradition I hope to continue. We tried to pump her up about it being her birthday but all she would say is, "It's my birthday. Birthday cake!"
You can barely see the top of them but Madeline is obsessed with these boots - she has them on every morning when I go get her!
I just like this face! |
I let her choose her own breakfast - of course she chose cookies!!
I did a lot of the decorating Friday night with the help of Terry's sister!
The food table - we had pizza, penguin crackers (Like goldfish but great value brand and they're penguins - I was SO excited when I saw them and they don't taste bad either!) We also had sugar cookies, oreos, and blue jello. I tried to keep the food simple this year because we wasted SO much food last year. It worked out pretty perfect.
I decided to do a backdrop with pictures over the last two years - it was SO hard to choose but it was so fun looking back at how much she has changed! I did this last year too and think I'll continue. It takes a little time, but I figure I can stick them straight into her scrapbook.
I ordered her cake from a different bakery this year and it was delicious and about half the price of the one I ordered last year - I was really happy with it!
The party favors were just hot chocolate and marshmallows in a little penguin cup. They were easy and cheap!
The "Madeline" Mantel
We filled Madeline's trampoline with packing peanuts so the kids could jump and play in the "snow". But it was pretty cold and windy so it was a major bust. I am SO glad I didn't set up tables outside. Everyone hung out inside pretty much the whole party - Madeline did jump before and after the party though. She doesn't really seem to be phased by the weather!
*confession - Terry and I totally played in the snow after the party. it was awesome. i felt like a kid again!
We also had a ring toss that I didn't get a picture of. Terry made the bean bag toss out of wood and it was the hit of the party for all the boys! It was so cute!!
I had to try really hard to convince her to blow out her candles!
All of the pics of her opening presents turned out really blurry! :(
My mom sent her these sunglasses and she was so funny wearing them. She really loves them! She got so many cute things. She got a tricycle from Terry's parents but I couldn't get her to be still long enough to get a decent picture. I'm sure I'll get one eventually.
We had so much fun! Although, Terry is so thankful we only have to do this once a year! :) I have to say I barely even stressed about this party - for some reason I was so uptight about her first birthday party! My only disappointment is that I didn't get a picture of the three of us - I am SO bad about that!
We are so thankful for our friends and family that love our girl!