Monday, December 30, 2013


My Sweet Girl ,
*You finally broke the 30 pound were 30.4 lbs at the doctor a couple of weeks ago. You wear a 3T in most things, although you have to wear boots with your pants because they would be too short otherwise. You have LONG legs - lucky! You wear a size 8 shoe and only wear a pull up at night. Most nights you don't need one but you still have the occasional overnight accident so you still wear them to bed. You also still love your affair that is going to have to end soon.
*You are so know your alphabet, upper case and lower and the sounds that the letters make. I really think you could be reading by your next birthday. You love books and sometimes I find you "reading" to yourself or the dogs!
*You're not quite as good with numbers but can count to 20 and have a little understanding of what the numbers mean 
*You are getting to be a picky eater. I just fix your plate and let you decide what to eat. You eat a lot some meals and almost nothing at other meals. I just refuse to fight you over food so I try to give you healthy-ish options and let you eat however much you want. Your favorite foods are still cheese, bananas, and you LOVE broccoli, green beans, and marshmallows!
*You are so get very concerned if Daddy or I have a boo-boo or are sad. You are quick to offer us a "band-ded". You want to be sure everyone is ok!
*You are OBSESSED with Disney got the Barbies for Christmas this year, the Little People ones last year, and they go everywhere with you, even to bed. 
*Bed time is really a struggle. You don't like sleeping in your room and although you do every night, you still act like you don't want to every. single. night. It can be very frustrating at times, but I know this too shall pass! You always say you want Mommy or Daddy "wit" you. 
*You love a party and I think you actually understood that it was your birthday on your birthday and that you are 3 now instead of 2. You told everyone we saw on Saturday. 
*Your best friend is probably Aunt Natalie or as you call her "Ain't Nat". You love her so much and you two do everything together when we see her. So sweet! 
*You come home from school, church, or wherever we've been and change into a princess dress and high heels. You are no slacker when it comes to fashion! 
*You have the sweetest smile and are still so funny! You are still SO shy though...definitely not a trait you got from me. You are really slow to warm up to people but when you out! 

Everyone has told me that three is a hard age. I guess we're about to find out together!  You are my sunshine. Happy 3rd Birthday (plus 2 days), sweet girl!!! We love you with all our hearts!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Party

There is one work function of Terry's that I look forward to every year - the Christmas party! It is so much fun and they give away awesome door prizes. This year Terry was in another competition but he got 2nd was a sad day. It was a scavenger hunt where every contestant had to find whatever random thing they called out - like a set of keys to a Ford, a receipt, chapstick, etc. It really wasn't a fair fight because our table was in the very back and the game was at the front of the building. We were smart and got one of the other guys at our table to run things to Terry so that helped a lot. We also dumped our purses out so we could be ready which helped too. I get so intense at these parties! The last thing they called for was a flip phone but we didn't get one to Terry in time. I was so depressed! haha But I did win a wine tasting party for 10 at Concho Valley Wines. I was so excited just to win anything!

Terry would NOT pose for a good picture...

The girls - Calli, Christy, and me

Anyway, we had so much fun and it was so nice to get out together! After the party we took Madeline to see the lights around the river which I am pretty certain was the highlight of her month! It was a fun day!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Good News, Bad News

Good News : I am done with school for this semester!!!
Bad News: 4 of my classmates didn't pass the semester and won't be graduating with us in May. It was a sad day yesterday when grades came out.
Good News: We had an ugly sweater party last night to celebrate the end of the semester. It was fun but this mama can't hang at a college party. I left at 9:30 when some people were just getting there! haha
Bad News: This is the only picture I sweater was pretty awesome though. It was Auburn. haha - that's about as ugly as a sweater can get! Terry made it for me - he such a good husband!

My buddies Rachelle and Joana

Good News: I treated myself to a Shellac manicure after my exam. It's pretty awesome - it dries so fast. I got light gray with glitter - keepin it classy!
Bad News: I found out after I went that another place in town is way cheaper than where I went and just as good...
Good News: My sis-in-law got a puppy for Christmas .
Bad News: I have the worst puppy fever ever!

Good News: I am done Christmas shopping for Madeline.

Bad News: I have this to clean up before Santa can come. It's almost always like this...she just destroys her room every time she plays in there. I can't seem to find the balance between keeping it clean and letting her play so I just close the door!

Good News: Madeline is the cutest thing I have ever seen when she's sleeping.

Bad News: She's been waking up in the middle of the night almost every night and crawling in our bed. One night it was a nightmare - she was crying in her sleep saying, "Ariel, Ariel. I wanna watch Ariel." haha And the other nights I think she gets cold because she kicks her covers off.

Good News: Terry says we will have our next assignment in the next few weeks but no dates. This makes the control freak in me super happy!!!

Bad News: I am blogging instead of cleaning and packing! :)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


BOP in the military world stands for Base of Preference. It's a form you get to fill out when you're gearing up to leave San Angelo. Terry filled ours out last week. It's a little bit of a joke because supposedly you get to choose what base you want when you leave from here but you can only get stationed where they need people in your rank. They gave Terry a list of 6 bases to choose from and the options weren't all that appealing...unless Nebraska suits your fancy.
But on the list was Hurlburt Field in Florida. So that was our #1 pick and there's a really good chance we'll get it according to Twayne.
The good news - it's close to his dad (and rest of his family) - like 30 minutes, we grew up in that area so it's familiar, we have friends there, and it's super close to the beach - like 5 minutes. If you know me at all, you know that for 10+ years I have REALLY missed the beach. My parents are also about 7 hours away which is a lot better than 24!
The bad news -- my heart stopped a little when he called me and I was faced with actually moving. I am going to miss Texas...we have made some pretty amazing friends here...and it is kind of expensive to live there, especially compared to San Angelo. And if I am really honest, there is something so weird about the prospect of moving back where we grew up - I think it will be an adjustment finding where we fit in if that makes sense.

I am trying to talk Terry into a beach house but he seems to think things like hurricanes and homeowner's insurance would be a problem. :) If we don't choose a beach house, we will still live about 5-10 minutes from the beach itself so I think I can live with that. And I am not just saying this because we're from there, but they really are the prettiest beaches in the US...white sand, blue water...I am trying not to get my hopes too high. Our other choices are Ohio and Colorado. I have no desire to go to either place so my hopes are really high for Florida!
All that to say, that we are gearing up to put our house on the market next month which means a lot of packing and a lot of work for me! I'm a little sad to be honest to leave this house - it was the first home we bought and where we brought Madeline home from the hospital. Even with its popcorn ceilings and falling down fence, I am attached to it. Hopefully, it will sell quickly and we can get settled into a new place by the spring. We'll just rent somewhere until we get our official orders to move.
I cannot believe how fast the past 3+ years have gone by!'s one thing I love and hate about being a military family! So if over the next month or two you see me with bags under my eyes, frizzier than normal hair, or mismatching clothes you'll know why! haha

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It Was a Sad, Sad, Day...

I know you already know what this post is about but I have to do it. I have to deal with the disappointment in my heart. Alabama lost to Auburn Saturday in the most exciting game of football I have ever seen. No more national championship talks for us. Oh well. At least these two are happy!
Bama will always be #1 for me but I will be rooting for Terry's team to win the championship this year - especially if they play Auburn. Roll Tide!!!

Monday, December 2, 2013


I asked Madeline what she is thankful for this year on Thanksgiving. These were her answers in order: 

1. Tuesday
2. Cotton Candy
3. Christmas
4. Wrestling 

I didn't make the list. Neither did Terry so I guess I shouldn't feel too bad. Truthfully, she is completely confused - hung up on Halloween and trying to understand Christmas. There wasn't much room for comprehension of Thanksgiving despite my best efforts. I went to the book store to get a book to try to help enforce it and would you believe there were NO Thanksgiving books for her age? There were two and they were for school age kids. I was so disappointed.

 Anyway, we had a good Thanksgiving. Terry's family came in and we had such a good time while they were here. And I cooked the turkey upside down again. I do that every year, and every year I think I got it right. But it turned out good so I guess it doesn't matter.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Killing Me Softly...

This time change has kicked my butt all week. I have been ready to go to bed around 7pm...I've held out most nights to a whopping 10 but I have been so tired at night. I guess the bright side is we have been up and it super early every day this week! 

Anyway, that's not what this post is about. But to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what its about.

 If you've been following college football you are aware that Oregon lost to Stanford Thursday night. Oregon was the other major contender for the championship so it looks like as long as FSU and Bama don't lose, they'll be in the champoinship game. 

Bama still has a few hard games left so that makes me nervous. Although we did beat LSU which is always fun! They're one of my least favorite teams so I love when we beat them! And it looks like our coach is going to go to Texas (UT) next year. Major bummer. College football is so stressful! 

On an unrelated note, my car got broken into last night. I am assuming it was a kid because they ransacked my purse and threw it in my neighbor's yard several houses down. It still had my credit/debit cards in it, and nothing else was missing from my car. I'm a little shocked because I left my laptop in there in my backpack.  I'm guessing they were after cash but luckily for me, I didn't have any in my purse or wallet - that's how I roll - all unorganized and stuff! :) I did call and cancel my cards just in case. I am missing a check that I was going to deposit but I am hoping it won't be too painful to get it reissued. 

My dad suggested it was probably someone looking for drug money which makes me so uneasy.I know it sounds so crazy but we have just always felt so safe here but not as much anymore. I am so thankful that I got my purse and wallet back, and that it was my car not our house. Still, it made me mad and I want to be sure we're being more careful. Lesson learned - no valuables in the car. Ever. 

And on another unrelated note...

Graphic picture ahead...

I'd like to think of this as a PSA -- dryers are dangerous. I cut my thumb on mine putting clothes in it last Friday. It wasn't that big and didn't really hurt all that bad but it was a little meaty. It still hasn't closed all the way but it's getting better. So the point is, don't do any laundry. It could kill you. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013


 We had so much fun with Halloween this year!!! I am certain we had at least 5 Halloween events and Madeline had the time of her life at every one of them! She wouldn't wear her owl costume this year - she refused to wear it last year too. She won't wear any costume that goes around her head. Thanks to the Halloween episode of Dora, she wanted to be a bumble bee! 

Trunk or Treat at church
 On Halloween Madeline had a party at school. They asked the parents to come for the "party" if we wanted to so I did. It was me and one other mom, and it wasn't much of a party. It was a bunch of 2 year olds eating cupcakes. Madeline saw me and immediately said, "Mom, I not go yet. I gotta eat my pancake". Pancake = cupcake. I felt so loved! :)


When we got home, we got our own party started. I decided that this year is the year we are starting our family traditions. I want every holiday and birthday to be special. Before I picked her up from school I did a little baking. I was making this popcorn candy corn thing but I burnt the white chocolate so that was a bust!

Burnt white chocolate = not very appetizing

 The popcorn survived and nobody knew the difference...except me.
I also made candy corn cupcakes...I have to say they were delicious and SO pretty. I don't think my cupcakes have ever looked so good! haha

Madeline helped me decorate the table. She had so much fun setting out the plates, cups, and napkins. She also put one of her forks and spoons on every napkin. It was so cute! We had Frito pie for our meal to round out the healthiness! 


 After we set up for our party, and Terry got home we went trick or treating. Our neighborhood is so crazy on Halloween. It was insane how many kids there were. Madeline had so much fun though and wasn't scared of anything. One guy brought a real chainsaw and cranked it and people were screaming. I thought it was so funny. Madeline wasn't even phased by it - she was in the candy zone. She is normally kinda shy but she was saying trick or treat, thank you, and happy Halloween to everyone we saw! She loved seeing all the costumes, and her favorite thing was seeing dogs dressed up. It was so fun!
Even Gizmo loved Halloween!!!

After the second street Terry came home to hand out candy, and we went down one more street. Madeline would've never quit but it was so dark, and she already had so much candy! When we got home we ate and had our little party. Madeline was going crazy - she was running laps and throwing napkins in the air one minute, and the next thing I knew she was passed out on the couch. It was hilarious! She slept until 9:45 Friday morning  and she looked pretty rough when she woke up. I don't think she has ever had so much fun - even at Disney World. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Carnival

Madeline went to our friends' Halloween carnival Saturday night. I really need to work on my picture taking skills! She had so much fun, and I did too. 

 Madeline and her buddy, Easton in the gator. He had his trick-or-treat bag next to him and when she walked up he moved it and patted the seat. So cute - I thought I might melt from the cuteness. We sure do love our friends. We started talking about us moving next year, and while part of me is ready to go, it is going to be SO sad to leave. Easton and Madeline were dedicated together as babies and are just a few weeks apart. They've been buddies since birth!
 Madeline may have had a little too much fun. I didn't think she ate that much candy, but about an hour after we got home she started acting really pitiful. About 20 minutes after that everything from the party came up. She felt so hot too so I took her temp and it was 102. It was so all of the sudden and weird but she still has a temp today so we've been cuddled up all day. I hate it when my baby is sick! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pumpkin Fun

We went to the pumpkin patch a couple of weekends ago. Well, there are two around here ( that I know of) and one of them is pretty good and the other is basically just a bunch of pumpkins for sale outside of a church. That's the one we went to - we are going to the better one this weekend.
Madeline was beside herself with excitement. She said, "Look, Momma, Halloween! It's everywhere!" I think one of the best things about this age is how exciting every little thing is to her! So sweet! Anyway, she picked out two of the smallest pumpkins they were selling, and she painted both of them a multitude of colors! 

Monday, October 21, 2013

30...and Trouble In Paradise

I am sitting in the airport in Orlando because guess what? My flight with American has been delayed for FOUR hours!!! 

I had the best birthday weekend. I flew in to Orlando on Thursday night around midnight, got up around 5 on Friday and we left for Tuscaloosa - also known as the greatest city on earth! :) Let me preface everything by saying I really thought I was an Alabama fan until I went to the game Saturday. But you see, apparently true fans have RV's that are painted in Bama colors and Alabama golf carts to match, they buy pigs to roast because we're playing the "hogs", and they have flat screens under their tailgating tents - which are of course Alabama themed. SO clearly, I am slacking as a fan! 

The game was pretty awesome. There is nothing like actually being there. The energy is electric and contagious! It was a sad game though...we won 52-0. While I love winning, it didn't make for a very exciting game. The stadium was probably more than half empty by the time the 4th quarter rolled around. 

How cute is the elephant the band "made"? I feel so nerdy saying this but I really loved the band - they were so talented! 

Selfie :) 

The highlight of my weekend was getting a picture with Big Al. Let me tell you - this doesn't just happen for everyone. He is a celebrity in Tuscaloosa! We happened to catch him right as he was getting ready to leave, and I told him it was my birthday and begged for a picture. He patted me on the shoulder like I was a 5 year old! Whatever - it worked! I was so excited!!! 

Of course the best part of my birthday was getting to spend time with my parents. My mom rode in the RV with us up there but didn't go to the game. I had such a good time with them - it was so weird that it was just me and them. I don't know if that's ever happened! It was great!!! 

To top off the weekend, Terry's team, FSU, won too. Now, let me give you some bad news. The BCS rankings came out yesterday. FSU had a major win Saturday and now they're #2. SO Alabama is #1 and FSU is #2 and there are talks that our teams will meet in the national championship. It's still early in the season but let me tell you - it may get ugly. I really love Terry but not enough to root for FSU in the championship should it come to that!  :) 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

God is Good...

October 15th is always one of the hardest days of the year for me. It is Pregnancy and Infancy Loss Remembrance Day. I am reminded today of all the sweet little lives who met Jesus long before any of their families imagined they would. 

I always wanted to be a mom. I always thought I would have a lot of kids - at least 5 I would tell people when I was little. The life I envisioned for myself is not the life God has ordained for me. It has been so painful for me and something I still struggle to understand. I still remember each pregnancy test, the excitement and terror, and the dreams of what life would be like with a new baby. I'll never know what that life would be like. Occasionally, I will have a day where the grief of so much loss overwhelms me. 

I know in my heart though, that doubting God's plan and letting grief steal my joy is exactly what satan wants me to do. At one point, I thought the grief would destroy me. I had no place to put my loss. I had no baby, and, yet, I had no grave site to visit. One day I had a pregnancy test with two lines, and seemingly the next a whirlwind of ultrasounds and doctor appointments telling me there was no longer life where there once was. It is the strangest kind of grief - nothing tangible to hold onto, just the memories of what we thought would be. 

I always think of that verse - "weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning." As painful as this part of my life has been, out of it has come my greatest sources of joy. God gave me the most perfect little girl, and I still melt when I look at her sweet face. I still get choked up when I look at her, and think about God's goodness in my life. The miracle of her. The goodness of women placed in my life who have walked this road before me, and had much greater burdens than I. The sweet joy of being a parent. The goodness of the reality of heaven, and the glorious reunion we have to look forward to someday.

 God is so good. Even in the hard things, He is good. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Homemade Weekend...

We have been gearing up for Halloween around here! I LOVE Halloween!!! It is one of my favorite holidays - next to Easter I think. Or maybe Easter, Thanksgiving then Halloween. I digress. Well, while I was at work Friday night, Terry and Madeline were very busy making all these cute Halloween projects! The jack-o-lantern is on her door and the witch's hat is hanging in front of it. Terry will bend his knees and act like he's wearing it, and Madeline just laughs. So cute!

These are from the dollar tree like forever ago and somehow they've survived! I put them in Madeline's room and she loves it! I think this is the first season where she kinda gets what's going on. 

This monster is by far her favorite - it has beans in it and she sticks it in front of her face and growls at us. I love it! Terry is so creative! 

I am not as talented as Terry but I'm not completely useless. I made these pumpkin muffins Saturday and they were SO good! I also made some tissue paper ghosts and a spider, but I haven't hung them so I haven't taken any pictures yet. I'm telling you - we have been on a roll around here! :)

Finally, this has nothing to do with Halloween, but a friend recommended these to me, and I am pretty sure they've changed my life. They are not messy, and our clothes are so clean! I love them and definitely think they're worth the money. And this is coming from someone who was buying the absolute cheapest laundry detergent the commissary sells! You're welcome! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tumultuous Tuesday

Madeline had a fight with the corner of the couch on Sunday. 

She stole some candy off the kitchen counter and took off running when Terry asked her for some. She tripped and fell into the corner of the couch. She did her serious cry but right after it happened there was no mark. Then she woke up from her nap like this!

Then, Monday morning she looked like this! She looked terrible!

It is much less swollen today but the bruise is darker. Always something with this girl!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Weekend Update

 This weekend we went to our friend Kylee's 5th birthday party. It was probably the cutest party I've been to. Maybe it has something to do with my affection for cake but it was so cute! Madeline is addicted to sugar so she pretty much had the time of her life! Each kid got to make a pizza and then decorate their own individual cake. Adorable!

 Madeline's cake started out pretty modest...

But before long she had enough candy on her cake to open her own candy store. I'm pretty sure she ate about the same amount that was on top of her cake. 

I feel as if this photo (below) adequately describes the success of the party! No clothes, an awesome party hat, and not long after she passed out! We had so much fun!!!

Finally, to add to the weekend fun, I saw this in HEB. Terry and I are obsessed with the commercial for this - like stomach hurting laughter. I've only seen it twice which is kind of a shame. If you haven't seen this infomercial, you are really missing out. For your viewing convenience I attached it below. It is hilarious - so beware of your q-tips this week...they are dangerous! And if you need a wax vac now you don't have to wait, HEB has lots of them! You're welcome!