Thursday, May 30, 2013


I think after being home for almost a week, I am finally ready to get out in the real world again! I've been to church and work but that's about it. I think it could be due to going straight from crazy busy with school to Africa combined with some serious jet lag. It took me a few days but I finally have my sleep situated. We are venturing out now though and attempting to get into a summer routine. I have a list a mile long in my head of things I need to do this summer, most of which consist of getting rid of junk. There's a whole lot of stuff we can live without! This time next year we'll be putting the house on the market so I want to get it all ready before school starts again. Anyway, I am just rambling. Here's a few pictures of my sweet girl since I've been home! 

That's definitely a rock in her mouth...this is the best and worst age! 

My sweet girl! 

Ok so there's a lot of weeds in the backyard but its so green and most of the grass is still kicking two years strong! We have some work to do but it's not a bad start! 

I have so much to post about Africa but I want to do it well. It's coming...I am so glad to be home though. I feel like being there changed me a lot. I hope I can somehow reconcile my life here with what I saw and hope to do over there. I'm completely overwhelmed by God's goodness...we really are blessed to live in America!   

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Asthma and Anxiety

I don't think I've even posted about this...probably because I almost never post anymore but anyway, over the last several months Madeline's pediatrician has been telling me every time I bring her in that they think she probably has asthma.

In February, she got bronchiolitis (different from bronchitis) and it was the second or third time she'd had it in 6 months so they sent us home with a nebulizer. Madeline just seems to have a hard time breathing even with a cold - she wheezes pretty bad so they thought she needed one here. 

All that to say she got a cough about a month ago so I took her in after about two weeks of fighting it at home. They put her on allergy medicine that she takes every day now. Well, it worked for a couple of weeks but this week she started coughing again and by Tuesday night she couldn't stop. It was so bad that when she stopped coughing around 5am Wednesday, I checked to be sure she was breathing. So we spent a good part of Wednesday at the doctor. They wouldn't let us leave without doing a breathing treatment in the office and waiting to see if her breathing was better after. Let's just say it wasn't fun. But after heavy steroids, breathing treatments, and antibiotics she sounds so much better today. She is so funny on the steroids - today she literally ran laps back and forth across the couch. It's like she's gonna explode!

Anyway, all that to say I am worried about her traveling and being away from me. Even though she is snoozing next to Terry as I type. He's also the one who got her to take her breathing treatments back when all this first started. Those two have such a sweet bond, and I'm so thankful for him.

I almost had a heart attack when the lady at CVS came over with a grocery sized paper sack of medicine. Thankfully, we have good insurance and it didn't cost very much but I was a little nervous when I saw the bag! It should last a while I hope!

Best thing I ever did was set her nebulizer up by the light switch. Keeps her entertained!

After spending half our day at the dr's office she asked for ice cream so we stopped at Sonic after we dropped off her prescriptions. She rarely gets ice cream and never in the car so she was in heaven!

My sweet girl!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I have decided to drop out of school and become a dog groomer. After you see this picture, you will understand that this is my true calling! 

 It's a little blurry but you can get the full effect I think - how handsome is my sweet boy, Giz? 

I realize I blogged one whole time in April. Sometimes I just don't know what to say and the other times I do, I dont have any pictures to make it less boring! haha

Anyway, we went shopping a couple of weekends ago for a big girl bed. San Angelo just doesn't have much to choose from and we ended up just deciding to wait because I really want to buy all new furniture for Madeline's room. Anyway, this dollhouse bed was Madeline's favorite by far. I thought it was adorable until I thought about her falling out of it and dropping 5 feet onto the hard floor. We did find a few others that we liked but nothing just blew me away. I apologize that you just wasted a minute of your life with these boring details! :)

 Madeline got this doll from her grandparents for Christmas and lately has become kind of obsessed with it. She takes her everywhere with her, especially outside. Well, the other day Madeline was on the trampoline and I was walking outside and saw this doll come flying out of the trampoline. I didn't realize Madeline had the doll with her and for a split second I thought it was Madeline flying off the trampoline and almost had a heart attack. So much so that I gasped and Terry came running and I busted out laughing. It's not the first time I've had a scare from this doll!

Anyway, we've been staying busy with work and school and just life in general. I am getting ready for my trip and Terry is looking forward to going to Florida while I'm gone. I am not quite sure how I am going to cope not seeing them for almost two weeks. I love them so much and I know they're going to have so much fun while I'm gone!