Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Moving in...

I'm baaaack!!! We have internet so watch out! :) 

We finally moved in Friday! I feel like last night was the first night I slept decent in over a week! So much anxiety mixed with so much excitement = no sleep for this mama! God willing we will NEVER have to build again but I do love our builder and overall it really wasn't a bad experience. Terry and I just aren't what you would call patient people - impulsivity is more the name of our game! We called our builder last May to start this process, and although it was July before we officially started with the lot and all that, it feels like sweet forever ago! 

That being said, it was kind of emotional moving in - I just feel like I was in a dark place when we left San Angelo. Looking back it makes me sad that our time there didn't end like I had hoped it would. Between the night shift job, the apartment, and the two robberies, I was in a pretty low place personally. I don't think I realized how much I was struggling until we moved away and I got out of my "funk". I am so thankful that the Lord sees us through those dark times as well as the good ones. I just feel so blessed - God is so good! 

Anyway, the movers showed up around 8am Friday, unloaded all our stuff, and were finished by 1pm. We had a few things broken, and one piece of furniture completely missing, but that's pretty par for the course when we move. It'll get straightened out sometime this year! ;) The movers finished up around 1pm and we made a mad dash to closing that started at 1pm! We were just a few minutes late but it was fine. I have to say that the journey of marriage is so neat - who would've thought two crazy high school sweet hearts who married at 19 and 21 would be where we are now? I never imagined a life so sweet. We high fived each other on the way home (because we're still cool like that) - Twayne really is my best friend and I am so happy he's my partner in life!  After closing, we picked up Madeline and started unpacking. Our stuff is so gross from being in storage for so long so I've been washing everything - dishes and laundry, which makes it take so much longer but at least it's clean when it gets put away. The kitchen, laundry room, play room, and Madeline's room are all done - well, the dining room is too but there's nothing in there so I guess that doesn't count but most importantly the guest room is done so y'all can come visit starting now! :) 

Here is my favorite thing in the house...

That is the single best decision we made - with dogs who love to get in the trash and really no good place to put a trash can, I love this cabinet! I know that's sad but I don't care! :)

I don't really want to post and repost pictures after stuff is on the walls and we have curtains but I can't resist posting pictures of Madeline's room. It turned out so stinking cute - I haven't put anything on the walls yet and I have to hang her curtains and straighten out the stuff on her dresser but here's a sneak peek...

There are a few things the builder is still fixing for us and her window seat is one of them - hopefully it will be done this week. I swear they started it like two months ago but I give up trying to figure out their methods for completing things! 

I bought this dresser off Craig's list in Texas and had a lady paint it and put new knobs on it - I LOVE IT! 

And the most important room in the house - the guest room - it's a queen bed and a night stand for now...the missing piece of furniture will go in that room whenever they find it or replace it for us! BTW - Polly photo bombs about half of my pictures! :) 

And this is what our room and the office look like so I guess I better get busy! :) 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Never gonna get it...

A move in date is what I am referring to. It just keeps getting moved back which is SUPER fun for somebody like me who has control issues! ;) But they're down to a bunch of little things like cabinet hardware and door knobs so hopefully we'll be moving in on the 17th...for real this time! 

The house has changed a lot in the past couple of weeks! 

The finished our driveway and landscaping. The colors never look right in pictures but it turned out so pretty! 

Madeline took this picture and I thought it was so cute! She just runs around the yard nonstop when we go to the house now! 

This came in the mail today to go above her bed! I ordered it a couple of months ago and didn't know that the store I ordered it from was in Ferguson, MO so it took the lady a while to get it to me. After emailing the lady about how long it was taking, I felt so bad for her and grateful that I was able to help her in some small way. 

The kitchen...still needs hardware and obviously a good cleaning but I am loving it! 

I love the rope detail in the crown molding on the cabinet - it was an accident but I like how it turned out.

The half bathroom - there's no electricity turned on yet so the colors look weird. 

Our bathroom...

Terry's shower and our sweet girl! 

There's the shower Terry has been dreaming about! 

And Terry's other shower...outside with hot water! 

That's about it for now...counting down the days now!!! 

And in case you're wondering what Madeline has been up to...

she's been making sure everyone is working out! haha