Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, Monday...

Friday Before School...

Checking out her new shoes...totally pumped for school! 

This morning before school....GRUMPY! :) 

And if your Monday is going like Madeline's, you should pick up some of this. It may change your life...or maybe just your Monday! 

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Journey...

After a whole lot of thought I decided to link my blog up with another blog that is doing a feature on infertility. My prayer and my hope is that our story could encourage someone who may be struggling. I have said it over and over, God has taken me to some painful places, places I don't understand. In so many ways, He has refined me though. Honestly, some of my very lowest points have been some of my closest to Him. If you read this, and are struggling, would like someone to pray for you or with you, please feel free to contact me. And hang in there...

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord. 
" As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9

Links to read about our story...

*Grief here  and here

Other posts about my struggle with this journey here and  here 


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Without Borders...

Have you heard this song? I feel a little like this is my song. I have had several meetings with my doctor about my pcos and the prospect of having baby number two. I feel torn...I don't know if my mind and my heart could handle another failed pregnancy.  They think they have some ways to help prevent that, but of course there are no guarantees. We also feel a strong urge to at least look into adoption - we have talked about this for years so it's not new, it's just the timing is starting to feel like now. Maybe. We've taken the very first, tiniest step...just waiting to see where it leads. The whole realm of adoption scares me too...the unknown, the finances, the whole process, the potential for immense heartbreak.

Tonight I am heartbroken for a dear friend who I have bonded with over infertility, miscarriage, pcos, and grief. It's been the best and worst kind of friendship. Nothing has tested my faith the way this has...I know He has a plan. I just sometimes wish I could see it through the tears, the pain, and the grief. 

So if you could pray for her? Would you pray that our trust would be without borders in the coming months? Our hope is that God's will be sought, not ours.

I seem to always come back to my favorite verse...Be strong and courageous. The Lord your God is with you wherever you go...
Joshua 1:9 

 "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)"

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand

And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and You won't start now

So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

I will call upon Your Name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine

**I realize this is much more serious than the things I normally post...I always want
to be able to look back on this journey. I know I will see God's hand in all of it.**

Angry Bird...

This weekend was a good, productive one. Saturday we spent the day fixing things, painting the living room, some of the trim, and just doing things to get the house ready to sell. It was actually kind of fun, and I felt like we got so much done in just one day! 

The pups were no help...

Madeline had her first real play date at our neighbor's is that even possible that she's that big? I didn't want to let her go at first, and Terry kind of gave me a reality check...our houses are like 2 feet apart, and our neighbors are so sweet! Madeline had so much fun and didn't want to come home. She is too cool for me these days....

Speaking of too cool, we spent the day at the lake Sunday with Terry's work friends, and just had the best day. I tried to take Madeline's picture, and she kept saying, "No, Mommy. That's enough!" haha 
This is the best I got...

We got there early afternoon, and didn't leave until 7:30....she was exhausted, and covered in dirt! Terry stayed the night in a cabin and had a man slumber party! haha 

And, the best part of the day, had to be when our friend Scott caught this goose. This goose is notorious for being SO mean. He bit me FOUR times Sunday...not that I deserved it ;) We had so many laughs because of that goose. He doesn't seem mean in these pictures because he was scared, but trust me he is an angry bird! hah

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day...

 We had a sweet Valentine's Day this year! I took Madeline to school and spent my morning at the DMV and then at the doctor's office. Literally my whole morning just in those two places...I barely made it back to her party on time at 2. Crazy! 

Anyway, I brought her teacher's gifts and came to help at her party. I was the only mom there, and it was so nice to get to hear about how Madeline does at school. Apparently she is well behaved but a little bossy! hah 

Tearing up some pineapple!!! 

I started buying things here and there to give her on Valentine's day, and I really ended up with a lot more than intended to get her. Oh well. She had so much fun looking through her basket, and kept saying, "Oh, I love this!" about each little thing. She especially loved the "band-deds" and has been looking for a reason to use them.  

We got the pups each a toy too but they didn't last long...

Aren't they sweet???

Terry brought home flowers for me and I got him a little gift card and some candy. I know Valentine's Day is kind of dumb, but I still love it. I can't help myself. I also love getting flowers - I wish I was more practical about these things. It's just who I am! 

Then, in true holiday style, we got our own party started. Madeline helped me decorate before Terry got home. We baked cupcakes, and set the table. We ordered dinner, watched movies, and pretty much had the best night! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Monday night we had a crazy ice storm. Pretty much everything shut down Tuesday which was kind of a nice break for us. I did just a little around the house and decided to take the garbage out. I stepped down off the deck, and slipped on our conrete/stone walkway. I went down hard...falling is so much more painful as an adult. I landed on my hand. Bonus - the garbage that I dropped on the way down is still in the yard...guess I get to do that tomorrow!

Anyway, I came in and took a shower and when I got out I noticed my right hand was pretty swollen. I also have a nice bruise on my leg. Terry said I was being dramatic and that I probably just sprained my wrist - turns out he was right but in my defense I wasn't really even complaining. I just told him I thought I need to have it looked at just to be sure. Men...that guy gets a little clear snot and he's down for the count! :) 

Anyway, it was bad timing because I had a mock job interview scheduled for today but they moved it to this afternoon so I could go to the doctor. They wrapped it and said if its not better in a week to come back. It feels a lot better wrapped for some reason. 

Here's the photographic evidence of my injury...taking the garbage out in an ice storm takes a true hero. Or dummy. Whatever.
 The picture below is from this morning before I went to the almost looked bigger to me. case you think I am a total weirdo for taking pictures...I was texting two of my nursing friends who were advising me on whether to go in or not. I am so thankful its not broken because ain't nobody got time for dat!

We did manage to be somewhat productive though. We took lots of selfies...and I read a survey that said it's totally inappropriate for people over 30 to say "Cray-cray". I'm cool and I know it. 

Today in between the doctor and my interview, I ran a few errands. I called Sams and begged them to make cupcakes for church tonight. I bought the stuff to do them myself, but didn't think I'd have enough time. Plus our house is torn up with the repairs - there was dust everywhere when I got home.

We also managed to make our Valentines' cards and get them in the mail. And we made these for our friends at church. And by we, I mean I tied the tags on them in the car on the way to church tonight. haha I'm a multi-tasker! :) 

It's been a fun week in all honesty. I love Valentine's day! I can't wait until Friday...we're gonna PAR-TAY! 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pups and Plastic Sugery

Gizmo looked especially cute yesterday. His ear was kind sticking out to the side, and I thought it was adorable. Well, it was until and I picked him up and noticed his ear was humongous. So like any good person, I got Terry's opinion first, then got online to see if I could diagnose him. Honestly, it scared me a little because it was like this huge balloon under his skin, and I had no idea what it could be. It didn't take long to discover it was an aural hematoma. Basically, he shook his head too much or too hard, busted some capillaries, and there is blood pooling under his skin. Well, the vet's answer to the problem is put him under and operate. Ummm...he is 10 1/2 years old - can we say dangerous? So I called around and got 2nd, 3rd, and 4th opinions -- all said surgery. Well, my online research *cough,cough* showed that you could operate or let the body reabsorb the blood over time. I really wasn't sure what to do.

So I called my Dad - I mean he's a pastor so I basically call him for advice on everything. haha Well, he gives me the number to a friend who he said could pretty much be a vet. She says its not a big deal that I could lance it at home or just let it go away. I ended up taking him to the vet anyway because I wanted to be sure he didn't have an ear infection, and he does so I'm glad I did. But they hard core pushed for surgery. I finally had to ask to talk to the actual vet, not a technician, and he was a little less pushy. He told me it was mostly a cosmetic issue if I let it heal on its own. I told him I was confident that Gizmo's self esteem could handle it - I am sure my vet loves me! So I left with antibiotics and pain meds, and a high hope that I don't have to take Gizmo to Beverly Hills to see a plastic surgeon 6 months from now. :) 

This boy has caused me a lot of drama over the past 6 months! He is so worth it though - I mean, look at those bangs!!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Today's Post Brought To You By The Letter S....

Summer....I don't want to jump the gun and say I am ready for summer, but dang, it is SO cold this winter. I actually like this weather. In my pajamas, with 16 cups of coffee and a movie marathon. Let's just say it doesn't spark any motivation for me! :) 

Student Nurses Association...I am the mentor coordinator which basically means I just help the new kids get paired up with a mentor so they have an idea of whats going on their first semester. But, alas, this is the picture that made me decide, it's time to do something about all the weight I have put on in nursing school. It doesn't help that all of these girls are 20...or younger. Bummer!!

Sunny...Friday it was gorgeous outside so after my test I picked Madeline up and took her to the lake. Our friends met us out there about an hour later, and we ended up being there for over 3 hours. It was awesome!!! Although, Madeline was SUPER cranky Friday night! 

 She stood up on one of the slides - not quite this tall, but tall enough. She said "1, 2, 3, Jump" and seriously wanted to jump off the slide. I stopped her, but I might as well start saving for my pacemaker now for when my heart officially stops.
Swimsuit...Madeline can be found in this 20 degree weather wearing her "bathing soup". She talks about the beach all the time. I am loving her hair in this pic...and the stained face! :)

Smoothies....I made a new recipe yesterday. Chocolate protein powder, flax seeds (I use the ground kind), powdered peanut butter, half a banana, and a splash of unsweetened vanilla almond milk. It was delicious! 

 I can't even express how much I love this blender. SO easy!
School...this is the most important part of this post. I am hoping we found a school for Madeline. And by we, I mean me, because Terry would start looking at this when he had to go to work and needed somewhere for Madeline to go! :) It's called Lighthouse Academy, and it's a Christian school in Gulf Breeze. We had already agreed that we wanted Madeline in a Christian school - I know that's highly controversial, but it's important to us and we feel that it's worth the money. Anyway, the Gulf Breeze campus is held at the zoo!!! Can you imagine a more perfect school for my child??? We are meeting with them in March to see if Madeline is ready for Pre-K4 even though she'll be 3 when we get there. If they think she's ready, then she'll start in Pre-K and then go to kindergarten a year early. I don't want to push her and I won't if she's not ready. I think she's pretty smart so I am excited to see what they think. I feel like I better start a learning boot camp for her before we go! :) Totally kidding...ain't nobody got time for dat! Anyway, I am praying that I love it as much as I love it on their website and talking to them over the phone.

Happy Wednesday!!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Random Recappin...

We had such a fun weekend! We went to the zoo on Saturday because we thought it was supposed to be was FREEZING! The temperature kept dropping the whole way to Abilene, and we were so cold while we were there. It was still fun, and it was nothing a little Cracker Barrel couldn't cure!

This angry bird kept biting our feet. We gave him a little cotton candy for keeping us entertained!

Our sweet girl at the zoo...she had so much fun even though some of our favorite animals were "sleeping".

In other news, the contractor came by today to talk about flooring, etc and said they'll be starting next week. I decided I better get serious about getting the house ready. I organized my pantry over the summer, but it needed it again. So I took everything out this afternoon, cleaned, painted it, and put it all back. I want labels on the glass jars, and actually tried the chalk ones but I am not a fan. So I will just have to deal for now...
 In the Richardson household, if you're an ugly appliance you get banished to the pantry like said microwave. It used to be white, but over time it's become a nice yellowy color! haha I got it at my wedding shower about 11 years ago! It still works though, and we don't really use it that often so it's not a huge deal. Hopefully, our next place will have one over the stove or in the wall.

Speaking of appliances, I got a new blender. I decided I really need to get healthy so smoothies it is. The one I made this morning had blueberries, peaches, raspberries, peaches, kale, carrots, vanilla protein powder, and flax seed in it.  I think I put too much kale was drinkable but definitely tasted very "healthy". I love that I can blend directly into the cup, change the lid, and am good to go. It also makes clean up so easy! So far, one day into it, I am doing awesome! haha :)