Tuesday, May 27, 2014

When It Rains....

We had a pretty good weekend! Terry got a four day weekend because of the holiday, and we really enjoyed it despite the weather. Thank the Lord for the rain!!! Things still aren't looking good for the buyers of our house but we're in contract until Friday so legally we have to wait until then to put it back on the market officially. We did start showing it again and so Friday afternoon and Saturday morning we busted our butts to get it ready again. It was such a pain because it was raining and we were getting a few things out of storage and the dogs were tracking mud in and out, but we got it ready. We just chilled Friday night! Madeline played her first "bideo game" with Terry! It was so cute!! 

 We went to a baby shower Saturday morning, and Madeline was so well behaved. She kept looking for the baby though, and was so confused as to why we would buy a present for a baby no one could see! She also managed to get a string tangled in her hair bow which I thought was funny enough to photograph before I helped her get it out. Mainly because she came in the living room dragging the whole quilt behind her by just her head!
 Saturday night we anticipated a big storm but it ended up not being that bad. It did cause flooding in a lot of places. We had fun watching the "grumpy" sky!
 The news said to expect 80mph winds, baseball sized hail, and possible tornadoes so I prepared for the worst. I felt a little dumb because the storm really wasn't bad at all. The one last night made up for it though- thank goodness we have a garage or else our cars would probably both be completely dinged up from all the hail! Of course, Terry had to watch with the door open - he would run back and forth from the back yard to the front yard to see how big the hail was.
Sunday we packed up and headed (in the rain) to the lake for the night. We rented a cabin and so did a few of our friends, and we had so much fun. We ate so much good food, celebrated a birthday, and just enjoyed being together. I was completely humbled Sunday night when it dawned on me that each person we were with has deployed for our country. I love our military friends, and am so thankful for the sacrifices they make. 

It turned out to be pretty nice Sunday afternoon, although there was standing water everywhere. Madeline had the time of her life jumping in puddles and was soaking wet pretty much all day. She had SO much fun, and was really upset about leaving yesterday morning. I, however, was ready for a shower! I know staying in a cabin isn't really camping, but Madeline and I think it's close enough. I mean we did have to walk to the bathroom! :)

We had a great weekend, and are so thankful for our military, especially Terry, my very own hero! :) 

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