Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Need To Know...

I plan to get caught up on blogging...I really do! But just a quick post to update!
*We're at my parents for a week or so right now. I wanted to check on my dad and help out my mom. We took my dad to his follow up appointment today. He got a great report!

Turtle face in the drs office

 *I'm officially "in" my 30's not just 30! We celebrated with lunch at The Cheesecake Factory after Dad's appointment. It was delicious!

*Rain boots went on sale at know we HAD to get some for Madeline. So cute! She wears them everywhere, rain or shine, with every outfit.

*Finally, I got a job!!! It's the same one I interviewed for last week. It's a little bit of a drive but the hospital is SO nice, and it's a dream position. I am so excited to be working DAY shift. I'll be working 3 days a week and the unit is closed on Sundays so I am pumped about that!



1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord for the job and your dad!! And Madeline looks as cute as ever!!
