Monday, December 3, 2012

One of those Months...

We kinda had one of those months in November as opposed to one of those days or weeks. After the miscarriage, Madeline got really sick and is still battling a nasty cough, although much better. I had to take her to the ER on black Friday because she was wheezing so bad and they kept her for a few hours for observation. 

Needless to say she's been a little more difficult to handle than normal!

Maybe it's been the spirit of Thanksgiving or the fact that God keeps the people in Kenya on my heart, but I haven't been able to help myself from being so grateful for my life. Even holding my sweet girl in the middle of the night or having her hack her little head off all night next to me while I get no sleep still just has me being thankful. Don't get me wrong - I am pretty freaking tired! But I can't help but think how good we have it here. All I had to do was put her in the car, drive 5 minutes to the hospital and she was taken care of.

My heart breaks for my sweet girl when she isn't feeling well and my nerves get a little frazzled because she can be hard to handle. But today I watched this you tube video of the people in Kenya and these moms holding their sick babies with no one to heal them. (I realize they have God but you know what I'm saying) There is no hospital, no antibiotics, no steroids, no humidifiers, no way to wash their little hands clean. My heart just breaks thinking that we share this world with people who deal with these problems every single day.

As May creeps closer, my fears get bigger. My heart skips a beat and my stomach flops when I think about getting on that plane for a 17 hour flight. But it really isn't about me. My prayer is that God will keep reminding me of that. It's about Him first and foremost. Please keep praying - pray for the people of Kenya, pray for our team - there is one getting ready to go in March too- and pray that fears would be removed. Pray that God would prepare the hearts of the people there and ours as we prepare to go. Pray for the moms there - that they would find a Peace that surpasses all understanding, especially when there is no earthly healing in sight.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

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